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The little things making a big impact in Kokomo

By December 4, 2015No Comments

565625a98ddd1.image Mother Teresa once said “Do small things with great love.” The volunteers at the Kokomo Crossing are living this out week by week and day by day with students by preparing a hot meal, offering hugs, tutoring, babysitting, and inviting students into their homes. 565625b3c7d74.image Small things. Students have been heard saying: “It’s like having an extended family…” “They’re really good people, they genuinely care” “They just came in and whatever a student needs help with, they try to help out…” Great love. Our volunteers truly live out 1 Peter 4:10 – “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 565625bf2a2bd.image     To learn more about the impact they are having in Kokomo, check out this story from the Kokomo Tribune: Last-chance high school: Community steps up for the Crossing]]>